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The Power of Mentor or Coach
What is a Mentor?
A Mentor is one who is qualified to guide you towards your goal because that person has paved the way by successfully making the journey before you in the endeavour of their choice. The mentor may be someone close to you or they may be found in the pages of an autobiography.
How can I be mentored?
Allow someone older and wiser than you who has already succeeded in your area of interest to advise you. A mentor will show you the right path to take to reach your goal and how to keep difficulties to a minimum as you work toward your dream. Mentors can be people you know personally or those you know only by their exploits and successes.
What are the Benefits of a Mentor?
Mentors are people you want to model your life after as you draw on their knowledge and experience. They counsel and advise you, inspire and encourage you to improve your performance so you will be able to achieve your goal more easily. They can open your thinking to find a new direction and bring new understanding of the principles needed to reach your goal.
Mentors are people with whom you can share your hopes and aspirations. They are trusted guides who have the knowledge and experience because they have been there before you and succeeded. They know about strategies and they have developed and demonstrated positive results. Don’t try to do everything yourself. Be prepared to listen to an expert or find out how others turned their ideas into action and made them work. It may make your journey that little bit easier.
Great projects are always built from a pattern or blueprint. In this lifetime there is no greater project than the deliberate development of your own life. We each need, therefore, a ‘blueprint’ – something or someone to look at and pattern ourselves after – if we want to make change and progress. Never underestimate the power of influence for we are all influenced by someone. Since this influence will determine, to some extent, the direction of your life it is far better to deliberately choose the people you will permit to influence you than to allow the power of the wrong influence to weave its effect on you without your knowledge or conscious choice.
Each of us should be in constant search of people we can admire and respect. The key is to find unique human beings whose personalities and achievements stimulate, fascinate and inspire us and then strive to assimilate their best qualities. These people have value and you should arrange your life in order to be able to spend more time with them. Even a small amount of time can make a great deal of difference when it is spent with the right people – people who educate, encourage, inspire and assist you to move in the right direction.
Mentors can be someone you know personally or they can be men or women you know only by their exploits; people who have become successful in their field through great determination. Your mentor could be on the other side of the world or that person may have lived and died many years before your time. It is worth whatever time it takes and whatever you must invest to make a study of people who have succeeded. Gather their ideas and information from all available sources. Read the books; attend the seminars. It is called the “school of prior learning” and it is quicker and less painful than trying to learn through your personal “school of hard knocks”.
There is great value in an outside voice; someone whose opinion you respect, who can provide an objective appraisal of how you are going and enable you to see things that you would not see working on your own. When pursuing your ambitions, whether they are life goals or business goals, after a time you can find that you don’t see things with the same clarity you used to. Mentors, with their vast knowledge, are able to take a fresh look at you and what you are trying to achieve, see other possibilities which you were unaware of and give you positive feedback, thus compounding your effectiveness.
Some mentors will coach you day by day. They can teach you new skills and strategies and you will be shown how to measure your results. Some of these strategies, put into place on a daily basis, will help you form good habits that will lead you to the success you are looking for. You will also be shown how to think laterally, or “outside the box” and detour around obstacles that present themselves from time to time.
Mentors are those people you want to model your life after. They are counsellors, protectors, guides, advisors and instructors who can give you a broad outlook on life by expanding your thinking and providing you with the principles you need to take you to success.