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The Power of Being Different
What is ‘Being Different’?
It is swimming upstream in the river of life when everyone else is swimming downstream because it takes less expended effort. It is separating yourself from the crowd and moving away from accepted ‘norms’. It is refusing to accept second-best and mediocrity when you can be anything you want to be in your life.
How can I be Different?
If you wish to be different you must harness your thought power and refuse to be dictated to by circumstances. You must draw on your creative mind power with purpose and focus and determine that you will overcome difficulties by searching out solutions.
What are the benefits of being Different?
You will create new ideas, possibilities and opportunities by harnessing the powers within you and achieving what you want out of life. Being different promotes personal confidence and helps you focus on your potential by exploring new horizons. You form good habits and filter out fear of failure.
Dare to be different because success comes to those who think differently and act differently. Forge a new path through the forest of creativity and use your imagination by thinking laterally. Don’t wait for things to come to you – go out and get them or invent your own. Don’t do what others do. Instead have the courage to try new ideas as you work toward your goal. Play to your strengths and believe in yourself and success will follow.
You have a choice of two paths to follow in life. One path is inviting, it is paved with ‘good intentions’ and it is wide and easy to walk on. The other path is narrow, soft underfoot, rather overgrown and not at all inviting. Which path would you prefer to travel? The first path is easy to take because most people follow it. Difficulties are few and when you are following so many people, it is unnecessary to call on your creative qualities.
The other path, however, will require you to be vigilant that you do not stray from its narrow centre and because it is overgrown from lack of use, many obstacles will present themselves and must be overcome. It will take all your focus and clarity of vision to reach your destination. When you decide to take the narrow, overgrown path to attain your vision, your world will change and you will never be the same again. You will begin harnessing the powers that are within you and you will become strong and determined to succeed. You will be confident and focus on your potential and strengths and not on your weaknesses.
When you are different you stand out from the crowd and ask “What is possible?” and not, “what is somebody else doing?” Your strategies must be different and unique if you wish to draw success to you.
When you harness the power to be different you will find that what you are doing is actually a powerful tool and a necessity for accomplishing your dream. Your formula for success will include using your imagination and your own creativity to forge a new path as well as acquiring the basic knowledge and skills you will need to take the necessary action to achieve your goal. You will not copy others and do what others do and you won’t wait for good things to come to you. Instead you will believe in yourself and play to your strengths by sticking to what you are good at and doing it well.
Success doesn’t usually come to average people. They are average because they choose to look, speak and act like others who fit the norm. Those who do not blindly follow the crowd and fit in with the status quo are often frowned upon and demeaned. To achieve your dream you must be prepared to separate yourself from the crowd, to move away from the accepted norms. While a large proportion of the population will swim downstream because it takes less expended effort, you must be swimming upstream, against the current of public opinion, because your goal is the source of the stream, not the outflow to the ocean of mediocrity.
Realise that in being different you are not alone. Although only a small proportion of the population are prepared to be different and have the courage to dream, think and act differently, your experiences will earn grudging respect from the crowd who think what you are doing is revolutionary. When you determine to be different you will detach yourself from the status quo, move away from traditional beliefs and out of your comfort zone to explore new horizons.