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Mind Chemicals
Within the pages of this book you are taught that you can achieve anything you want in life by doing just 5 steps.
Zaffar had a vision, he set his goals and with single-minded purpose and determination his dream became a reality.
He has distilled all the resultant knowledge into 5 clear steps so you can follow his path to success.
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(Full system to achieve anything in your life)
The Mind and how it Works
Awareness opens your mind to believe in yourself and your potential. Nothing can stand between you and what you dare to radiate out through your thoughts, feelings and words.
Your conscious mind records and processes information; judges and remembers, evaluates and analyses what it perceives through the five senses. The subconscious mind is vastly larger than the conscious mind and far more powerful. It controls the way we live by creating everything in our lives according to the instructions we give it.
Making the Brain Work in your Favour and a Willingness to Change
Our belief system acts as a filter of perception, influencing our decision-making and actions. When we become aware of our words and actions and consciously begin to change our thinking for the better we see the world from a fresh perspective. Constantly cleaning our unconscious filters of perception enables us to view the world differently. Change must begin in the subconscious and when you determine to change you will put more effort into everything you do and you will have better results.
Introduction and Exact Goal
If you want to make the right choices in life it is important to spend time alone to formulate your thinking about the goals you need to set and the plans needed to attain those goals. Determine your vision exactly because it is the foundation for your goal then define and specify your goal exactly – clearly and specifically – and draw up a potential plan.
Plan to Achieve the Goal
Strategies are the underlying principles which determine your action plan for achieving your goal. It gives you the ability to look at the big picture. Planning should be developed and specific tasks prioritised. Keep planning flexible
Divide your Plan into Manageable 2-20 Small Portions
Break your plan into smaller, more manageable and achievable tasks. Make sure your actions are on track towards fulfilling your goal. Plans may need to change if obstacles arise but don’t let that change your goal. Persist and persevere and you will have success.
Introduction and Basic Knowledge – Not too Much
Goals are concrete actions which are measurable so you can judge their progress and they have a definite time period. To achieve your goal you must know the result you want to achieve, how long it will take and be clear and specific about how you intend to get there.
To succeed you must equip yourself by gaining some knowledge and skills to enable you to be able to work your plan. Keep your mind open and receptive to opportunities; listen, analyse and evaluate all that you see and hear. Maintain an attitude of preparedness and be diligent to learn.
Teacher and Mentor/Coach
The more you understand about your subject the more confident you will become in your decision-making. Ask for help from people who have the wisdom, experience and the knowledge you need. They can teach you to achieve your goal more quickly and easily than if you try yourself without help. A mentor is a person who has developed and proven strategies and principles over many years with positive results. A mentor will stand beside you and expand your thinking and provide you with the principles you need to take you to success.
To engage on a daily basis means to have an intense relationship with what you are doing, each and every day. You put your thoughts to work through action to move continuously toward your goal. Engagement on a daily basis can be difficult but it is powerful because it takes dedication and responsibility to ensure actions are properly executed. Faith will give you power over difficulties that arise and energy gives you mental alertness and purpose and allows attention to detail.
Focused Action
Begin with the end in mind and focus your action on achieving results. When you focus on one major project at a time you will yield excellent results. As soon as you engage to act toward a goal, obstacles will appear. Develop the habit of converting obstacles into opportunities. If you have the will and determination you will find a way. No matter what your goals, change is inevitable and when you open yourself to change, you will find an opportunity for growth and a new dimension of endless possibilities.
Consistent and Massive Action
Consistent action is producing the required results with undivided and unwavering resolve. Massive action, however, is planning to do much more than is necessary to accomplish your goal; it is taking substantial action in massive quantities.
Persistence, Detour and ‘Thinking outside the Box’
Persistence is never giving up despite opposition and challenges; it is the ability to maintain action until you get the results you want. When failure looms, look for a detour and ‘think outside the box’ by being creative, flexible, adaptable and resilient.
Hope, Loyalty and Sharing
With persistence you can keep hope alive, show loyalty to your goal by staying focused and when you have accomplished your purpose you will know how to share.