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Call Option Deed, 650 Q’s & A’s
Welcome to the Science of Options in Real Estate. You have just received into your hands the most important, life changing, information you will ever receive. You are about to embark upon a journey that will capture your interest and spark your determination to be successful in an exciting, alternative approach to conducting business. If you take action it will work for you because it is a fully proven and successful system.
How often have you said, “If only I’d bought that land a while back, it would be worth a fortune now”? It’s not too late. You can still buy land today that is an excellent investment – you simply need to know where to look and what methods to use. The 5-step system allows you to buy and sell properties that can build into a multi-million dollar property portfolio to control properties instead of buying and settling.
As you delve into the various aspects of the book you will be shown, step by step, how to buy a multi million dollar property. The system can be followed by anyone even if you don’t have experience or a background at all in property, business, accounting, law or town planning. Most importantly, you don’t need a large amount of money to get started and as there is no finance involved there will be no need to borrow money. The benefits of this quality 5-step system are that you can run a multi-million dollar business with almost no money, no office and no staff and, therefore, no overheads.
This system of property options is certainly not the traditional manner of doing business and very few people have any idea of how to go about it, yet it is quite simple and suitable for beginners new to the property market.
The program is about inspiring and empowering you with the knowledge, the principles and the tools, to roll out a proven property investment strategy over and over again as long as the system is followed precisely; there is no need to re-invent the wheel.
What is the Call Option Deed?
It is a deed that gives you the option to buy but not the obligation to buy a property.
There are two types of option deeds – Put and Call Option Deed and a Call Option Deed. When you sign a Put and Call Option Deed you must settle the property; we will not be dealing or discussing this type of option deed, because under this deed you have obligation to settle the property.
We work and will discuss only the Call Option Deed, where you have only an option to buy but not the obligation to settle the property.
When you harness the power of the Call Option Deed, a valid, legal tool, you have the option (but not the obligation) to buy a property at a set date in the future with the set price. It’s a little like putting land on lay-by for up to a couple of years or more. In that time, you can watch the value rise, or add the value by lodging a DA Application and on-sell before settlement date. Once you master the Call Option Deed you will appreciate the profitable benefits it provides; benefits that will unlock and activate exciting prospective opportunities for you by putting you in an extraordinary and unique position of enormous leverage with virtually no risk.