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The Power of Patience
What is Patience?
Patience is generally defined as the ability to bear trials without grumbling; to persevere calmly when faced with difficulties without becoming annoyed or upset. Patience is the picture of a tranquil spirit; a listening ear when everyone else is trying to talk at once; a soft answer when an argument is pending.
How can I learn to be Patient?
Train your spirit to remain calm when there is confusion, peaceful when there are arguments, quiet and composed rather than noisy and anxious, even-tempered and level-headed. When things take longer than you expect, have the patience to wait without becoming anxious. Master your moods and govern your emotions; in doing so you will harness negative energy and utilise it for good.
How can I benefit from being Patient?
Patience will give you self-control and thus reduce stress and anger. Employing patience will allow you to let go of worries, especially those things you are unable to control and look at the world in a more positive light. When you let peace reign in your heart and mind disquiet is lessened and the atmosphere around you is pleasant and restful. As a result, building patience within you can lead to better health.
Someone once said patience is not about the ability to wait, it’s about the attitude you have while you are waiting. It is never too late to master the art of patience and as you practice it you will gradually develop the right habits to make it second nature. Learn to deal with stress as it happens and before it becomes a problem. Reclaim your time by learning to trust your capacity to deal with whatever comes your way in life and take the time to harness the power of patience. It will bring you mental wholeness, emotional stability and physical wellness and it will change your perspective of life.
Patience is a virtue not often practiced in society today. Yet the quietness, humility, gentleness and forbearance of patience produce peace and love and, over the passage of time, it is far more powerful than brute strength and unrestrained anger.
When you feel you are drowning in a sea of people and technology it is important to slow down and be patient for a moment or two. In a world that wants everything yesterday, it means drawing back from the frenetic page of life and taking time to be alone so your mind and body can enjoy quietness and stillness for a while. Spend a little of the most valuable commodity any one of us has – time – and appreciate things as they are. Take advantage of the downtime and the exercise of patience to observe yourself, identify problems, work out solutions and appreciate the relaxation that solitude brings. Often, the root of the problem is identified and a solution found. Many a difficulty has been swept away when you are placid, without the stress that would normally be part of your life. Quiet times provide a way of reorganising your time and rebuilding patience.
If you want to change your life in any major way, it will take time. Time and patience are critical elements of success. When you are working to achieve your goal, whether it is a work goal or a private goal, patience must be paramount. Lack of patience and so giving up too easily, is a major reason that people don’t achieve their goals. Instead, remind yourself that the process takes time and as you reach each element of your goal, celebrate your achievements. Remind yourself, also that you are learning valuable lessons along the way. You are learning to be consistent and persistent and you are also learning how to handle obstacles in a calm and serene manner.
Creating a business and making it a success requires patience and a lot of work. It means laying the foundation, building the right framework and putting all the right elements in place so that you make the right decisions that will propel you to success. That takes time and patience. In order to excel at whatever you do and achieve success, employ patience and you will have a practical tool for self-control, persistence and a higher quality of work.
With so much busyness in their lives, people gather around patient friends like bees around a honey pot. Those who practice patience usually have a serenity about them that others crave. They give love easily and they are kind and accepting of others. More especially, they take time to listen to what others say and are not always interrupting. They rule their tongue and so remain in control of themselves. Patient people generally are able to master their moods and govern their emotions. In so doing they harness negative energy and utilise it for good. They let peace reign in their heart and mind so disquiet is lessened and brought into proper perspective and the atmosphere around them is pleasant and restful.
Make the choice to give yourself the gift of patience. Don’t allow your inner self to be disrupted by circumstances. If you remain in control you can master your emotions and you will realise you are greater on the inside than anything you face on the outside.