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20 Miracles Of The Mind
You can rise to be the very best you can be – you can live life to the full.
It just takes a little knowledge so you can take the action needed to reach the potential you know you have within you. Our mind is the one asset we all have in common, yet most of us know very little about how the brain works and how we can use our mind fully and actively.
There is information available but much of it is random and fragmented and some of it is difficult to understand because it is couched in scientific terminology.
The Power of the Mind distills all these areas of knowledge into one, easy to understand, source that can be comprehended by the average person.
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What you will learn by reading this book
20 Miracles of the Mind
– Your possibilities are truly limitless.
You can rise to be the very best you can be – you can live life to the full. It just takes a little knowledge so you can take the action needed to reach the potential you know you have within you.
Our mind is the one asset we all have in common, yet most of us know very little about how the brain works and how we can use our mind fully and actively. There is information available but much of it is random and fragmented and some of it is difficult to understand because it is couched in scientific terminology.
The Power of the Mind distils all these areas of knowledge into one, easy to understand, source that can be comprehended by the average person.
Do you know the difference between the brain, the mind and your thoughts? It can be confusing because the words are often used interchangeably and incorrectly such as when someone talks about the brain when they mean the mind. After reading this book you will know the differences and how to use each of them to your full advantage.
- Discover why the brain is so powerful and how to harness that power.
Learn why we are coming into “The Decade of the Mind” and keep up with the latest technology breakthroughs. - Be inspired by your creative imagination and understand why your mind is your life. Learn why your imagination is more powerful than your will. It will help you understand why you sometimes do things ‘against your will’.
- Master the living force, the dynamic energy that is your thought process. Train your mind to convert your thoughts to a higher, open, more aware level of thinking. Awareness brings knowledge and knowledge heightens your awareness.
Is your mind on automatic pilot? Do you go through life thinking the same things you have always thought and doing the same things you have always done? Read this book and become aware of the panorama of exciting possibilities that lies before you.
Your mind is a canvas that paints pictures of what you want for yourself in the future. Unfortunately, often the paint on that canvas becomes hardened and cracks and peels with pictures of your own limited expectations. If you will allow them to, these pages will change your life by helping you paint vibrant pictures of new possibilities and expanded horizons. They will change your thinking by helping you throw off your limitations and opening and enlarging your mind to accommodate new ideas.
You will learn techniques and strategies to give your self-image an exciting makeover, lifting your self-esteem and positively enhancing your relationships. When you see yourself as your loved ones see you, you will understand just how special you are.
You not only gain the power to think positively, but what is more important, you achieve the power to control your thoughts and direct them to do your bidding. By the simple process of controlling your thought forces today you help to create the events which will come into your life in the future. You can be in charge and attract and achieve the happiness and success you are looking for.
Learn how your thoughts and beliefs affect what you say. Once it has been spoken the word cannot be retrieved so it should always be uplifting, both to yourself and to those who receive it. The old adage, “What you say is what you get” has proven to be very true. Learn to dodge the dangers of speaking the negative and how to get good things by speaking the right words. When you know your brain, understand your mind and capture your thoughts, your words will change and relationships at home and at work can all change for the better.
Peace and harmony are vital to a healthy mind and body. As your thoughts become uplifting and enriching and cheerful you will find your body follows and you will have better health, less stress and a more balanced lifestyle.
When you read this book, apply its wisdom and persevere in taking action, you will have harnessed the power of your mind to give you the freedom to live life to your full potential.
Don’t miss out on a golden opportunity to be inspired by the final frontier which is your mind and become your own success story by Learning how the mind works and making the mind work in your favour by reading this book!